Real Estate Agents

Finding the right real estate agent is crucial to ensuring that your property sells for the best price and you purchase a home at the best market value. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to find the right real estate agent.

  1. Start by defining your criteria for a home and talk to a lender to find out how much you can afford.
  2. Look for an agent who has experience in the local market for your type of property. Ask questions about their experience and local market knowledge.
  3. Choose an agent who is flexible in showing you the property at different times, including during working hours during the week.
  4. Visit open houses hosted by agents you are considering and interview them in person. Get recommendations from friends and family and call current customers to learn about their experiences.
  5. Consider the type of agent you need. There are two types of estate agents: buyer’s agents and stockbrokers. Dual agents who represent both buyers and sellers can act as a double agent.
  6. Look for an agent who has a full-time job in real estate and has the knowledge and time to help you sell or buy your home. More transactions a broker has, the better they will be in solving problems that arise when selling a home.
  7. Real estate professionals can help you navigate a stressful and complicated process, and guide you through every step of the process, including referring you to other professionals such as property inspectors and real estate lawyers.
  8. Use the Buyers Agent Matching Program to link with a licensed buyer agent with experience in the neighborhood and type of property you want.
  9. Look for repeat real estate agent names on signs and get recommendations from friends and family members.
  10. Keep in mind that finding the perfect fit can be challenging, but working with an experienced and trusted agent will help ensure a successful transaction. Only 5% of sellers find an agent through a “for sale” sign, while 16% hire an agent based on who is the best-known estate agent in their community.
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Orson Hill Realty

In conclusion, finding the right real estate agent is a critical step in the complicated and stressful process of buying or selling a property. Consider these tips and use the available resources to make the best decision for your needs.

Finding the Right Realtor Can Be Challenging
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Dan Skelly Real Estate

Dan Skelly is a real estate broker/owner/agent at Orson Hill Realty in Evergreen CO. Dan is also a Realtor in Southwest Florida on Marco Island and Naples Florida